

The Cedar Lake Improvement Board (CLIB) welcomes you to the CLIB public website.  We hope you find the site useful and informative.  Please use the buttons in the Header (Home, Board Members, Meetings, Watershed Management) to navigate the site.

Special Upcoming Events

The July 12, 2024, Meeting of the CLIB has been changed to Friday, July 19, 2024, at 10AM at the Greenbush Township Hall.

Lake Treatment Notices
Please click the links below for more information. First treatment of 2024 is scheduled for Tuesday June 18th, weather permitting.

Regular Upcoming Events

The Cedar Lake Improvement Board will hold Regular Public Meetings for the remainder of 2024 according to the schedule presented below.  Meetings will be held at 10:00 AM at the Greenbush Township Hall, 5039 Campbell Street, Greenbush, MI 48738:

Friday, April 12, 2024
Friday, July 19, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024
Friday, December 6, 2024

What is a Lake Improvement Board?

Enacted in 1966, Michigan’s Inland Lake Improvement Act has allowed riparians and local elected officials to work together to improve, protect, and manage Michigan lakes.  The Act allows the establishment of a Lake Improvement Board with significant lake improvement authority.  The Act is now known as the Michigan Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Act 451 of 1994, Part 309, Inland Lake Improvements. There are over 100 Lake Boards operating in the state (Oakland County has 46!).  The Cedar Lake Improvement Board was created by Alcona and Iosco Counties in 1995.

What Does a Lake Board Do?

A Lake Board can undertake a wide range of lake improvement projects. Essentially, any lake project that provides a public benefit could be undertaken by a Lake Board.  Such projects include ongoing aquatic weed abatement, lake level enhancement, development of recreational and conservation benefits, and to enhance the use or value of lands and property arising from an improvement to the Cedar Lake watershed.  To accomplish the improvement objectives, the Lake Board has the power to levy annual assessments on lakefront property via a Special Assessment District (SAD).  The CLIB completed the special assessment renewal process in 2020 which included public hearings, public notices, and opportunities for public input.  The current assessment $150 per lakefront parcel and is collected annually with the Winter Property Tax bill through 2030 (ten-year approval).

Several studies of the lake conducted during the past two decades indicated hydrologic concerns and the need for aquatic plant management. The CLIB, the local Alcona-Iosco Cedar Lake Association, and other stakeholders collaborated to develop a plan that would provide a new approach to managing critical areas and conditions throughout the watershed. These efforts resulted in the 2011 MDEQ/EGLE and EPA approved Watershed Management Plan (WMP), which continues to serve as a road map for identifying and achieving watershed goals and sustaining Cedar Lake.  A direct link to the WMP technical website, co-administered by the CLIB and our watershed consultant, Kieser & Associates, is located at the top of the web page right in the Blue Header.